
Samara Murillo
Andria Tremblay
Seizures in Dogs
This article by veterinarian Ernest Ward describes, in detail, epilepsy and seizures in dogs. He discusses the causes and how it is mainly genetic but can be brought on by other complications in the body such as liver damage. He also discusses what happens during a typical seizure, as well as before and after. Despite how hard it is for us to watch a dog have a seizure, it actually is not painful for them, although they may feel anxious and confused. Furthermore, the article discusses the possibility of identifying the cause of the seizure and how we might go about treating it.
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What to Do When Your Dog has a Seizure
This is an informative video that is
directed to owners of epileptic dogs. The Veterinarian in the video states in simple steps how to care for an epileptic dog.
Things to do:
  • Watch for your personal safety
  • Look for pre-seizure signs
  • Make sure the dog is in a safe place during the seizure
  • Let them recoveralone
He also provides information on when the seizure becomes an emergency and when to contact your vet.

The man in the video is a Veterinarian who makes many videos targeted to pet owners. His aim is to help owners provide the best care for their animals. Although his videos do not replace a full visit to the vet, he does provide
valuable information for the every day pet owner.
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